The Gender Equality Toolkit for Generation Z (GETZ), has been a three year Erasmus + Collaborative Sports Project. It officially finished the development and funding phase on the 30th April, 2021 with the GETZ Inaugural Conference (22nd April, 2021), and now the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is available globally for individuals or for groups e.g. Higher or Further Educational courses or sport organisations, to engage with. Through this project the universities and sport organisations have had a great opportunity to work together to create solutions that can help improve women’s access to sport by helping students of both genders understand the importance of gender equality in sport.
Our project specifically engages both male and female members of Generation Z. Solving the problem of gender inequality is not achievable in isolation, by one national policy or by one organisational strategy. This is why we have chose to engage different types of organisations from different countries. We are aware however that at a meso-level, the socio-cultural framing of gender will have an influence on gender equality within any given sector, such as sport. Within the study limitations of time and resources, we therefore chose partners from European countries with comparable socio-cultural environment.
Partnership Experience
We believe the GETZ partnership offers an appropriate mix of partners. The partners have been selected for this project due to their individual expertise in the topic of gender equality in sport and their experience working on successful European projects. We have brought together a unique mix of academic and applied experience in the sport sector. We also have confidence in the partnership due to our previous experience working together.

Recognition of Funding and Disclaimer
The GETZ project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.