Erasmus+ Steering Group Meeting 3
Present: Vanessa Jones (UW), Alma Papic (COC), Gill Renfree (UW), Sara Rozman (EUSA), Rikard Hoog (SSC), Inge Derom (VUB), Andrej Pisl (EUSA)
Apologies: Helmein Rambaldo (AUAS)

VJ welcomed everyone and encouraged introductions from all meeting attendees, run through the agenda and minutes and action points from last meeting, pick out arising matters.
Agenda Item 1 – Minutes of previous meeting
Updated version of action list on one drive. Checks access of all partners on one drive, Hebe struggling with access, suggested solutions. Minutes and tasks approved.
Go through previous monitoring summary table:
3.2 VJ circulate boiler plate and guide for handbook to partners on OneDrive – discuss with Rikard (WP) partly incomplete – now got but didn’t have logo/branding
3.3-3.4 logo and templates designed and created by professionals – in process of being on OneDrive – completed by January
Creation of logo/website – website nearly complete, information still to go up, in progress/completed
Action 2: finance for Zagreb meeting – completed
2.1 discuss on second point of agenda – partially completed, minor amendments to explain
4.1 Renegotiated and agreed to changes made – completed
Publication protocol – expanding. Discussed at previous meeting and draft on OneDrive – ongoing. Lucy SSC involvement in research. First research paper elaborated on perceptions of gender equality but not on how to communicate with Gen Z, SSC also responsible for communication. Brainstorm about what we should know about Gen Z – ACTION.
Research should align with WP. Collaboration not directly linked to project, also acceptable.
Pre-development phase covering focus groups as well as questionnaire – impossible to get ethical approval. Focus groups only for perceptions. Survey in pre-MOOC phase (pilot) impact of MOOC, before and after MOOC. (March 2019) All partners to be involved in pilot – ACTION.
MOOC ready to pilot by end of February. Molde wants to run pilot next semester (beginning of 2019). Confirmation of MOOC going live September 2019.
Each partner identifies groups to work with, require 200 students (guidance) – easier for universities to build it into modules, also flexible to be used by other organisations.
Discussion on WP2 to be picked up on agenda item 5.
All partners to provide resources to populate Units – folders have been put on one drive.
Introduction of new staff member (technician) at UW (Beth).
Discussion of the conference (tomorrow) and the recording of the guest speakers and possible use within the MOOC. Dissemination tool.
Discussion of website design and content. Graphics and designs uploaded to one drive – ACTION.
Brexit – ERASMUS funded confirmed until end of 2020. Opportunities for student placements from July (2019-2020).
RH requests list of channels (including social media) to have an understanding of the network/reach – mould for newsletters for our channels etc. News page as part of GETZ website – Link Blog posts on website to then be posted on social media. – Link with WISE project, distribute via email. Each partner identifies clearly their channels for communication and informs RH – ACTION. Those who host conference write up blog post for GETZ website.
September 2019 – RH suggests meeting can be hosted in Stockholm or can join with conference in Umea 13th – 15th September and have seminar imbedded. Budget dependant. To establish cost of travel to Umea (all partners) – ACTION.
Student conference dates to be changed – confirmed at time by SS.
Online gender equality resources found by AP to be uploaded to one drive – ACTION.
VJ discusses ongoing investigation of cost of using Canvas and reward system for those not associated with universities, marking system etc.
AP provide update on Youth pass – intended with Erasmus projects, try to enable, meant for MOOC participants – ongoing.
Zagreb meeting – main topic being Governance. Workshops in afternoon, groups of around 8, English speaking participants to discuss together. Resources, recommendations, ideas, extra information for Toolkit. Translation of Croatian speakers into English for GETZ partners via headphones.
Agenda Item 2 – Project Management and Work Packages
WP1, 2 and 5 (UW) – One Drive to share and access information. Discussion of Steering meetings and multipler events – linked to budget. Amendment to partnership agreement in relation to budgets.
Steering group meetings are aligned to multipler events – identify free venues to host meetings. Transnational budget are for hosting meetings and travel expenses across the project. Discussion of the September 2019 meeting/conference location and budget.
Exceptional costs budget left for MOOC translation, MOOC, website and student expenses for Molde conference. Discussion of exceptional cost being less than set amount, the money remaining cannot be spent on another exceptional cost. Clarification? – ACTION. Project management budget if flexible.
Intellectual outputs – claiming back the 20% of other sources of income, other sources of income reduced. Timesheet will include the calculations for the rate and automatically deduct the 18%. Final excel sheet to be put on One Drive – ACTION.
AP suggested Norway conference to be in Oslo to reduce costs – discuss with SS.
VJ states that for multipler events there is a budget aligned to each event. AP highlights the lower budget for the Zagreb meeting:
Zagreb = 2,200
Slovenia = 6,000
Sweden = 6,200
Molde = 7,400
Worcester = 8,000
Group discussion on redistributing budget across events to cover lack of budget for Zagreb. Confirmation of redistribution of money – approximately 6000 per event.
Project management –
Travel for meetings – inform project manager and justify why another staff member attending meeting – money from transnational meetings. If you miss meetings then the money cannot be claimed. 1 person required from each partner at each meeting. Fixed allowance for travelling – invoice for expenditures. Register for proof of attendance. AP questions 575 euro travel allowed per meeting? VJ to clarify with EU and finance department of travel fees and budget – ACTION. VJ suggests alternatives to help seek funding. Clarify further on document how to make claims – ACTION.
WP2 – GR informs that MOOC creation yet to be started (end of February up and online to be piloted) and first research paper in progress. VJ to highlight findings from focus groups in the conference in Zagreb. Research will inform and underpin MOOC content.
WP3 – (SS not in attendance) Norway to run MOOC pilot (April/May/June?). AP mentioning outreach of 200 students. RH confirms students can pilot. Identify when other partners could also pilot the MOOC – ACTION.
Monitoring system to be embedded in toolkit – GR discusses what data could be collected from participants (age, country, club etc.) and suggests options on how.
WP4 – ID opens discussion on pre and post toolkit questionnaire – changes of perceptions – quantitative study? Or monitor individuals throughout MOOC? – different levels of ethical approval. GR suggests survey after each module as ‘completion’. VJ discusses learning evaluation/assessment within MOOC. GR discusses how it is easier to keep track of the progress of students within university settings in comparison to individuals accessing the MOOC, no control over how individuals utilise the MOOC – 2 types of survey? ID mentions evaluation of learning and change of perceptions. GR plans to embed MOOC within course but not attach assessments to it – making it optional. GR and ID discuss informed consent included as part of the MOOC to state that responses can be used within publications.
ID: WP4 divided into two parts – first part being focus groups and second being the online survey being part of the MOOC evaluation. Draft of survey questions required for ethics – highlighting the importance of MOOC progression by February. Data collected through focus groups at Molde, VUB, Amsterdam and Worcester and data analysis December/January – summary/key findings to inform MOOC and academic analysis using transcripts for publication. Each partner will summarise findings from focus group – ACTION.
GR mentions that UW (Beth) has written a 3000-word literature review in preparation for the first paper. ID suggests using Qualtrics as survey software. GR suggests updated publication plan – ACTION.
WP5 – monitoring plan – VJ discusses activities and how they’ve informed the project. GR states ethical approval in process for research on this WP. Evaluation will take place every 6 months to ensure progress and evidence for evaluation reports.
WP6 – SSC – VJ asks if partners have seen the information one One Drive – communication plan and guidebook. RH requests feedback from partners – ACTION. RH has outlined the main target groups of the project as a whole. RH states partners have to be active within forwarding to target groups within country, target groups are specified to know which activities are for which target groups. Online media highly relevant in all countries. Branding: Survey after seminars to identify presence of GETZ and visual materials depending on budget. Dissemination: social media, website etc. Timeline for branding, dissemination and communication – excel sheet. Target of 24,000 outreach, can be shared by partners. 5000 visitors on website. GR asks if you can link Instagram and Facebook? Discussion if there is a GETZ Instagram page. AP states you can link social media but believes it would not be a good idea. Discussion on different countries usage of different social media. AP identifies different social media platforms used by Gen Z. RH recaps social media stats – GR reiterates the different uses of different platforms. VJ suggests potential research on communication/dissemination with Gen Z – GR adds to this, stating the success of the project is pivotal on outreach/social media platforms and states effectiveness of email. Instagram influencers mentioned by GR. AP emphasises the project is reliant on platforms, being active on GETZ Facebook and Twitter and sharing via own platforms.
Sustainability plan – website active for 5 years (December 2025), presumably Canvas will be the same. GR discusses gender identity changes and relevance of MOOC content within the future. Final conference as reflection and future impact (SR). Minimum 4 posts on social media per year and minimum 2 shares on own social media – ACTION. GR advises that all information regarding meetings is waiting to go live on GETZ website.
EUSA conference – VJ reminds that multiplier events should be in partner country. AP discusses changing of venue and date for EUSA conference, 26-27th September. AP also suggests event in Slovenia in April (2019) but number of attendees is lower. SR states that the event will be similar to a seminar, very different to the one proposed in September – no workshops etc. VJ to pose question about location of conference – ACTION.
RH questions if EUSA conference is allowed, what happens to the conference in Sweden? VJ states that meetings can be moved and flexible for hosting partners.
Partners discuss upcoming meetings and impact of Brexit.
GR states that final meeting might be moved from September 2020 to a later month to link with Women in Sport conference.
VJ states that if EUSA conference is accepted (Portugal) then Sweden conference to take place between April and June.
VJ discusses and provides an example of structure of modules within MOOC. Mentions partners proof reading one module within MOOC to provide feedback and input. GR mentions populating the template to provide examples from each country and UW will collate information. Each partner has to provide at least 1 case study, discussion activity, video, reading etc. – ACTION.
Discussion regarding the short video being created from conference content and being utilised on website etc.
Meeting drawn to a close and decided any further discussions can take place at the conference/workshops occurring tomorrow.